Inclusion at Harris Academy Peckham
At Harris Academy Peckham, we believe that inclusion is a journey for all and not just a destination for some.
To this end we support our staff and students in their journey within the classroom towards the goal of helping our young people to feel secure, confident and successful in their learning.
What is SEND?
SEND stands for special educational needs and disabilities. A learning difficulty or disability may mean that the individual experiences significantly greater challenges in learning than the majority of others the same age.
These could include difficulties in:
- cognition and learning
- communication and interaction
- social, emotional and mental health
- sensory and/or physical needs
If a student is identified as having SEND, they may be entitled to additional support and will be added to the school SEND register following consultation with their parent/guardian.
The inclusion team
- SENDCo: Ms McCurdy C.McCurdy@harrispeckham.org.uk
- SEND Teacher: Ms Gordon r.gordon2@harrispeckham.org.uk
- SEND Administrator: Ms Podsiadly r.podsiadly@harrispeckham.org.uk
- Principal: Ms Bergin c.bergin@harrispeckham.org.uk
How we support children with SEND at school
Central to our vision for inclusion is ensuring that there is an understanding of the individual learning differences of our students and providing them with excellent teaching within the classroom environment.
With our teachers equipped to differentiate and adapt an ambitious curriculum to meet the individual needs within their classroom, this firm understanding of individual need and the confidence of our staff in delivering quality-first teaching forms the bedrock of our inclusive mainstream provision.
Such practice supports students with SEND in making exceptional progress and continuing on their learning journey beyond Key Stage 4, as life-long independent learners.
- Click HERE to download our SEND curriculum Intention, Implementation and Impact document.
- Click HERE to find out what we mean by Quality First Teaching for SEND students.
Support from external agencies
Families may also find the following external agencies helpful:
- Southwark Local Offer: https://localoffer.southwark.gov.uk/
- Lewisham Local Offer: https://lewisham.gov.uk/localoffer
- Lambeth Local Offer: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/lambeths-send-local-offer
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
- Autism Support Team for families and young people. Email: AutismSupportTeam@southwark.gov.uk
Supporting your child with homework
Homework is important because it:
- provides students with spaced consolidation activities to enhance classroom learning
- provides students with opportunities to become self-regulated learners
- develops students’ confidence in their learning
The evidence shows that the impact of homework, on average, is five months' additional progress." Education Endowment Foundation
At Harris Academy Peckham we recognise the value home learning brings to a student’s learning, whether as a tool to support them in their studies or as an opportunity for students to take greater ownership over their studies and their time management.
As a parent/carer we are sure that you also recognise that this is a vital time for our young people to be developing the habits that will support them to achieve excellence as they move through the school.
How often will students get homework?
Years 10-11 will receive homework twice a week in each subject.
Years 7-9 will receive homework once a week in each subject.
The following graph shows how quickly we forget new information over time if we do not make an active attempt to retain it.
How can parents support homework?
Check your child has received and completed their homework each day, monitoring their planner to make sure they are keeping a record.
Check that your child has completed their Bedrock/Sparx/Doddle/ActiveLearn/Seneca work using the relevant website.
Homework support provided in school
Our library is open for students at break and lunch every day where students work in a calm space. Rewards will be given for regular completion of homework and sanctions will be given for incomplete homework.
We also offer a Homework Club which is available for students to attend at the following times:
- Thursday: 3.20- 4.00pm
- Friday: 2.00pm – 3.00pm.
Students may stay for the duration of this time or until they have completed their work.
Please do speak to a member of the SEND team or contact Ms McCurdy (C.McCurdy@harrispeckham.org.uk) if you would like to join the Homework Club.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s completion of homework, please do not hesitate to contact us at enquiries@harrispeckham.org.uk
Developing confidence in reading
The BDA (Before, During and After) reading strategy lays the foundation of how reading is taught in all subjects at Harris Academy Peckham, with our aim being to develop our students into confident and independent readers.
Students are encouraged in all subjects and at all levels to decode any written word, question or extended text using the BDA method, and teachers are trained to embed this into their lessons and the wider environment.
We would encourage our parents and guardians to use this same strategy at home to support your child when they are reading, using the activities in the diagram below to help.
SEND policy
To see our code of practice and full SEND policy details, please visit our SEN and Disabilities page.