Transition - Essential Information for Parents
Parents and carers - this section will hopefully provide you with all the information you need to help you and your son/daughter make a successful transition from primary school to Harris Academy Peckham.
Taster day
In line with the other schools in Southwark, we will holding a Taster Day for new Year 7 students in July 2025. The programme for the day will include a range of activities to reflect some of the subjects your son/daughter will study at Harris Academy Peckham.
Students should attend the day in their full primary school uniform and bring a pair of trainers/plimsolls in their bag. The day will start at 9:30am and finish at 2:30pm students should arrive promptly and report to the main reception. Lunch will be provided.
Parent information meeting
In July 2025 all parents and carers will be invited to an information meeting where they will receive a talk by the Principal. On completion of the talk students will be dismissed with Parents and Carers at 2:30pm.
Uniform pop-up shop
On Wednesday 9th July 2025 there will be a pop-up uniform shop on site at Harris Academy Peckham from 4pm to 6pm.
Students wear our uniform with pride. It is smart but practical, and reflects all of our aspirations for our Academy. The mantra we believe is: "If you look smart, you are smart”.
Harris Academy Peckham uniform can be purchased from Stevensons. Please click here to order uniform online from Stevensons.
You can also purchase uniform items:
- In-store at Stevensons, 50-51 Whitgift Centre, Croydon, CR0 1UG. Download the Stevenson's information sheet including details of their Croydon branch opening times over the summer and how to book an in-store appointment for all new starters to ensure the perfect fit.
- Phone on 0208 734 3954
- Email croydonbranch@stevensons.co.uk
- Download Stevensons sizing guide
Free school meals - how to apply
Online Free School Meals (OFSM)
OFSM provides an online platform for applying for free school meals. Academies with the consent of parents or guardians may apply via an online form with a decision on eFSM status being returned almost instantly.
If you are unable to use the online system, please contact Ms Gordon a.gordon@harrispeckham.org.uk
The Academy does not accept payment by cash or cheque but instead enables all payments to be processed through ParentPay. You can top up your ParentPay account using your credit/debit card or by using cash at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo.
ParentPay is a very secure website and free to use for parents/carers and staff. Payments can be made for school meals, trips, music lessons, equipment and other activities.
- Please see our How to set up ParentPay document or watch the video below for support in setting up an account and making payments.
- Bienvenido a "Pagos de comida del colegio” - por la atencion de padres hispanohablantes.
ParentPay benefits our students and the Academy in many ways not least by removing the risks associated with students carrying cash to the Academy and reducing administration which creates more time to devote to educational support and the smooth running of the Academy.
To use ParentPay you will need your unique user ID and password. Year 7 parents / carers should receive a letter containing their user ID and password as soon as a child is fully registered as a student at the Academy so that they are able to start using ParentPay immediately. ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments which you can view at a later date.
If you have any questions relating to ParentPay please email Ms Brooks j.brooks@harrispeckham.org.uk