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This morning we visited with MP to discuss the importance of increasing community access to sport and physical activity. With 35% of all sports facilities in the UK behind school gates, the Opening Schools Facilities Fund will be an important solution.


Strong start from Year 11 students during tutor time practicing reducing cognitive load using content studied in their Geography and History lessons in the first week of term


We love welcoming back past pupils - looks like their sister was pleased to see them too!


Congratulations to all staff and students at Harris Academy Peckham on their amazing GCSE results today! Read the full story at


Students and staff at Harris Academy Peckham are celebrating today after achieving fantastic GCSE results. Our students have made phenomenal progress and we are so very proud of them! Full story


New Year 7 Summer school students enjoying their library. Welcome to HAP!


Peckham Soup Kitchen will be doing a BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE, supporting young people and families needing help to purchase new school uniforms, shirts, skirts and trousers




LEAP Multicultural Day - Dominican Republic


LEAP Multicultural day - Spain


LEAP Multicultural day - Poland


LEAP Multicultural day - Bangladesh


LEAP Multicultural day - Nigeria


LEAP Multicultural day - Ukraine


LEAP Multicultural day - Jamaica


LEAP Multicultural day


LEAP Multicultural day


To thank the students for their commitment to Stem Club this academic year they sat together sharing riddles, memories and a meal.


Year 6 Prom 🥳💃🕺


Join us for a free Community Athletics Festival at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre - a competitive & fun Track & Field Day, open to 12–18-year-olds at any ability, organised by young people, for young people! Friends, families, spectators welcome.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















LEAP Assessments

We want all of our students to demonstrate excellent skills in each of the elements of our LEAP ethos - Leadership, Enquiry, Aspiration and Perseverance.

Therefore, as part of our assessment policy, twice a year each student is given a mark of between 1-3  to show their current level of performance for Leadership, Enquiry, Aspiration and Perseverance. The detailed criteria against which we assess each student can be found in the tabs at the foot of the page.

Score out of 3

L = Leadership E = Enquiry A = Aspiration P = Perseverence
Summary for each  element

Understanding that to fulfil potential, taking ownership of learning is crucial. Being able to improve independent and collaborative skills to become a fully rounded leader by demonstrating tolerance and empathy towards others. Developing the courage and confidence to lead with confidence and conviction, motivating and supporting others with compassion. Communicating with fluency, confidence and accuracy, understanding how to alter words and tone as suitable to audience and purpose in a mature and sophisticated manner. Understanding the importance of being a positive role model to others and an effective compassionate citizen in our academy community and beyond.

Acquiring and maintaining a curious approach to learning, dedicating oneself to the discovery of further depths of knowledge so that profound understanding and application can occur. Questioning the meaning of each new chapter of learning to fully immerse in new information, gaining ownership through investigation, analysis and study. Applying independent and collaborative skills to interrogate new learning to master new concepts and skills. Cultivating a will to excel across all facets of academy life: academic, personal and interpersonal. Committing to the self-belief and hard work required to achieve goals, understanding that growth mindset and reflection are needed to exceed targets, taking pride in one’s own and others’ accomplishments. Meeting the challenges delivered in classwork and homework, setting one’s own high level challenges to further extend learning and personal development. Fostering a confidence in one’s own attributes and in one’s peers to be able to celebrate and inspire further the skills and talents needed to excel as an individual and as a collective.

Developing the resilience to face all barriers in learning and challenges to personal growth to consistently commit to self-improvement. Maintaining the focus and positive mindset needed to excel in all aspects of academy life, demonstrating a mature dedication to fulfilling one’s personal best and fostering a determination to learn from mistakes to strengthen resolve to succeed.

Understanding that there are no excuses, but to empower oneself through building strength through learning and reflection. Fostering the ability to be a leader of one’s own learning.


Score 3 out of 3

Score out of 3 L = Leadership E = Enquiry A = Aspiration P = Perseverance

Students are committed to their learning and clear-sighted about their vision to achieve highly across all aspects of Academy life.

Students’ adventurous imagination leads to risk-taking and experimentation which creates unique and ground-breaking outcomes.

Students can apply analytical thinking in a disciplined way, taking full advantage of a variety of resources, exploiting and inventing to create excellent outcomes

Students can balance interactive and solitary learning effectively, able to maintain autonomy even when collaborating.

Students can communicate in a fluent, confident and accurate manner, listening with empathy to others’ views.

Students are excellent role models, demonstrating the calm composure needed to influence others positively. They represent the Academy superbly not only when at the Academy, but in the local community and beyond. 

Students get really involved in lessons, eager to ask and answer questions. during group, pair or individual work, they get down to it and make excellent contributions and share their ideas. Students have a real "buzz" about their attitude to lessons and will often motivate others to take part. 

Students are inquisitive, inventive learners who ask complex questions and can forge sophisticated innovative links between skills concepts and subjects.

Students can create sophisticated, precise and methodical plans to maximise own learning journey, using criteria effectively.

Students can critically assess own and others’ work with exactitude, and have a flexible approach to altering plans to maximise learning outcomes.

Students have a sophisticated and methodical ability to transport skills across subjects and learning opportunities and have an in-depth appreciation of detecting their own learning capacities.

Confidence in experimentation and enquiry are evident.

Students have a growth mindset and take pride in their own and others' achievements.

Students are dedicated to going beyond their potential, maintaining the optimism and ambition to remain focused on their goals. Students consistently work hard, using every opportunity to further and deepen their learning. 

All homework is completed on time. Taking into account their individual potential students' homework is completed to the highest possible standard, they actively ask for help and students will never submit any work they know is below standard, eg, not leaving questions out even if they are unsure.

They attend any additional lessons where relevant eg, extra curricular, revision or support. They readily adapt to new teaching approaches and challenges and make excellent progress.

Virtually 100% attendance and punctuality, behaviour is excellent, through their attitude they make as much progress as can be expected during lessons, they work exceptionally hard and as a result are on course to exceed their target grades.

Students are 100% focused in class and can systematically absorb themselves in learning. Stretching challenges are welcomed as the determination to exceed targets and discovering fresh potential is evident.

Students' positive attitude to learning goes beyond the classroom to impact on their positive relationship with students and staff in all aspects of Academy life.

Students consistently conduct themselves in a mature, responsible and self-disciplined manner.


Score 2 out of 3

Score out of 3 L = Leadership E = Enquiry A = Aspiration P = Perseverence
Students know own learning skills and potential.

Students' imagination can be used in an active, exploratory and receptive way to discover new concepts.

Students understand when independent or collaborative learning skills are needed and are able to share ideas coherently and show empathy skills. Students have the capacity to experiment through investigation and enquiry.

Students will answer questions but generally need to be asked to make a contribution rather than volunteer answers. They will ask for help when needed.

During group, pair or individual lessons they make some contributions and share some ideas but this is not consistent.

Students can make a clear plan to organize own learning and can self and peer assess against learning objectives with some precision.

Students are curious, experimental learners who can use verbal and non-verbal questions.

Homework is completed on time and the quality of the work is good.

Students show some independence in their learning. They make some use of additional support whether it be teachers, parents or additional after school lessons. However students could take more responsibility, eg, they could be doing more revision or research to improve the overall quality of their class or homework.

Students are aware of areas for improvement and can focus in a logical way on reaching targets

Overall attendance is good but there may be one or two recorded lates during the 6 weekly period.

Behaviour in lessons could be described as good and as a result students make good progress.

Achievement in the subject will be in line with their target grade.

Students can concentrate throughout the lesson, engaging in the learning aims fully.
Students generally demonstrate a positive attitude to learning in and beyond the classroom. For the majority of the time, they conduct themselves with maturity and self-discipline, but need to do so with greater consistency.

Score 1 out of 3

Score out of 3 L = Leadership E = Enquiry A = Aspiration P = Perseverance

Students can detect general strengths and areas for improvement in own and other’s work.

Students can ask exploratory questions to help progress learning and understand that there are connections in own learning. Logic and imagination can be used and awareness of different resources is apparent.

Students have some capacity to work independently and as a team member and can listen to others and understand different points of view.

Students tend not to ask questions when they need help and will not volunteer any answers unless prompted. During group, pair or individual lessons they need to be encouraged either by the teacher or other students to become more involved. Attitude is generally satisfactory but students need to take more responsibility and become more involved in lesson activities.

Students can use a basic plan to help organize learning and is able judge the quality of own work with some precision, changing it along the way as required. A level of enquiry is evident when the students are approaching new topics and concepts.

Homework is completed, sometimes it might be late, the quality of it is satisfactory and there is definite room for improvement. Students have often had to be placed in detention for late submission of work. There is less independent learning and more teacher direction. Students tend not to ask for help and will submit or complete class work that is below their level of ability. They do not attend any relevant additional support sessions and show some motivation when new activities are introduced – there is a reluctance to take part!

Poor attendance and punctuality is preventing any progress from being made. Behaviour needs to be improved and this is disrupting the learning of themselves and other students. Lack of progress being made during lesson, achievement is below target level.

Students can pay some attention in class though fail to commit to completing learning tasks. There is an understanding of targets set, but an unwillingness to meet them. A failure to apply a logical approach to learning opportunities, results in poor outcomes.

Students do not demonstrate a positive or mature attitude to learning and this impacts on relationships within and beyond the classroom